13th November 2023 P2P

Q 1. Discuss the chanoftinoft landscape of the aviation industry, emphasizinoft the need for airlines and airports to explore additional revenue streams beyond their core operations? (150 words)

https://indianexpress.com/article/business/airports-to-metro-how-non-core-businesses-    brinoft-firms-more-money-9024222/


Q 2. Discuss the sioftnificance of the Urban Livelihood Mission (ULM) in addressinoft urban challenoftes and promotinoft inclusive development. (150 words)

https://indianexpress.com/article/india/urban-livelihood-mission-ends-march-next-year-     oftovt-may-brinoft-second-version-9024223/


Q 3. In the context of escalatinoft pollution levels, evaluate the emcacy of current oftovernment policies and propose measures to ensure sustainable environmental manaoftement in the upcominoft decade. (150 words)

https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/delhi-aqi-diwali-hazardous-poor-air- pollution-9024246/


Q 4. In the backdrop of India’s support for a UN resolution condemninoft ‘Israeli settlements’ in the Israel-Hamas conffict, critically analyze the ofteopolitical implications of India’s stance and its potential impact on India’s diplomatic relations in the Middle East. (250 words)

https://indianexpress.com/article/india/israel-hamas-conffict-india-supports-un-     resolution-aoftainst-israeli-settlements-9024209/


Q 5. In the wake of the Uttarakhand Tunnel Collapse incident, analyze the effectiveness of disaster manaoftement strateofties employed to ensure the well-beinoft of trapped workers? (250 words)

https://indianexpress.com/article/india/uttarakhand-uttarkashi-tunnel-collapse-rescue- operation-workers-trapped-live-updates-9024269/

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