25th JULY P2P

General Studies Paper 3

Q 1. Explain the implications and safeguards of the DNA Technology Bill in enhancing forensic investigations and protecting individual privacy? (150 words)

https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/govt-withdrew-dna-bill-as- it-didnt-want-elaborate-safeguards-recommended-by-standing-committee- congress/articleshow/102096903.cms


General Studies Paper 2

Q 2. Discuss the role and effectiveness of the National Commission for Women (NCW) in addressing gender-based issues and promoting women’s empowerment in India? (150 words)

https://www.livemint.com/news/india/manipur-shameful-video-womens- commission-reacts-after-40-days-after-receiving-report-why-ncw-was-so-late-to- respond-11689998296524.html


General Studies Paper 3

Q 3. Examine the socio-economic impact of gig work on the labor market and its implications for workers’ rights and social security? (150 words)

https://indianexpress.com/article/india/rajasthan-passes-bill-extending-social- security-to-gig-workers-sans-debate-8857510/


General Studies Paper 3

Q 4. Assess the signiflcant contributions and strategic signiflcance of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in international space missions and collaborations, highlighting its role in fostering global space exploration? (250 words)

https://m.timesoflndia.com/india/isro-to-launch-singapore-satellite-six-others-on- july-30/articleshow/102092060.cms


General Studies Paper 2

Q 5. Analyze the evolution, objectives, and achievements of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in promoting regional cooperation, economic integration, and security in Southeast Asia? (250 words)

https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/asean-a-persistence-with-dialogue-on-a- trodden-path/article67116954.ece



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