GS Paper I:
Q 1.Discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on traditional employment structures. Evaluate the measures governments can adopt to ensure a smooth transition and re-skilling of the workforce in the era of automation? (150 WORDS) 11701096764146.html
GS Paper II:
Q 2. Examine the role of global supply chains in responding to crises, using the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study. Evaluate the importance of resilient supply networks for ensuring stability in international trade? (150 WORDS) corripor-indias-supply-chain-opportunity-8938924/
GS Paper III:
Q 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of climate change mitigation policies at the national and international levels. Analyze the challenges hindering the implementation of comprehensive climate action plans. (150 WORDS) women-un-report-9036654/
GS Paper IV:
Q 4. Critically assess the ethical considerations underlying data privacy laws in the digital age. Discuss the ethical challenges in balancing individual privacy rights with the requirements of a data-centric economy. (250 WORDS) brought-when-exemptions-kick-in-8904557/
GS Paper V:
Q 5. Analyze the socio-economic implications of rapid urbanization in developing nations. Evaluate the role of sustainable urban development strategies in addressing challenges related to infrastructure, governance, and social inclusivity. (250 WORDS) society-social-justice-urbanisation-associated-issues-upsc-gov-in-8875960/