9th December 2023 P2P

History (GS Paper 1):

Ques 1. Discuss the impact of the Champaran Satyagraha in India’s struggle for independence. How did it shape Mahatma Gandhi’s methodology of resistance? (150 words)

https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/champaran-india-s-flrst-satyagraha/story- TqA9Fm0aHtRWFRbfN0S3xK.html


Geography (GS Paper 1):

Ques 2. Examine the factors influencing the formation and distribution of cyclones in the Indian Ocean. What role do they play in the regional climate? (150 words)

https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/watch-why-was-chennai-so-badly- flooded-cyclone-michaung/article67615961.ece


Polity and Governance (GS Paper 2):

Ques 3. Explain the concept of judicial review in the Indian Constitution. How does it uphold the principle of separation of powers? (150 words)

https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Kochi/judicial-review-by-constitutional-courts-one- of-the-basic-features-of-constitution-says-former-cji/article66657897.ece


Economy (GS Paper 3):

Ques 4. Analyze the impact of the gig economy on traditional employment structures in developing countries. Discuss the opportunities and challenges it presents in terms of employment, social security, and economic growth? (250 words)

https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/featurephilia/story/indias-gig-economy- navigating-the-path-to-prosperity-and-inclusivity-2430035-2023-09-02


Environment and Ecology (GS Paper 3):

Ques 5. Discuss the importance of biodiversity conservation in sustainable development. Illustrate with examples how biodiversity loss impacts ecosystems and human livelihoods? (250 words)

https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/analysis-reveals-state-biodiversity-board- funds-not-being-used-for-conservation-in-new-delhi-raising-concerns-about-allocation- disparities-101683570661396.html

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