9th August Current Affairs


  1. CAG Report on PMJAY
  2. Dumping and Anti-Dumping
  3. PMFBY
  4. Tharosaurus Indicus
  5. Spratly Islands



  • The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), recognized as the world’s largest public health assurance scheme, has recently come under scrutiny due to multiple errors and discrepancies present in its database.
  • These revelations have been brought to light through a report from the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), providing valuable insights into the situation. This article aims to delve into the key findings of the report, shedding light on the various issues plaguing the PMJAY database.


Expenditure on Ineligible Beneficiaries

  • One of the significant revelations from the CAG report is the substantial amount of money that has been spent on beneficiaries who were ineligible to receive benefits under the PMJAY scheme.


  • These discrepancies have led to the allocation of crores of rupees to individuals who should not have qualified for the program.


  • The primary cause behind this financial mismanagement is attributed to the inadequacies in the verification process of beneficiaries.


Inadequate Verification Process

  • The report emphasizes that the errors in the PMJAY database primarily stem from the insufficient verification procedures in place.


  • Due to this, a considerable number of individuals who were not eligible for the scheme managed to receive benefits, resulting in a significant financial drain on the program’s resources.


Geographical Distribution of Errors

  • The report highlights specific regions where these irregularities have been observed. States such as Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu have seen instances of individuals possessing PMJAY cards and availing treatments under the scheme, despite not meeting the eligibility criteria.


Issues in Registration and Verification

  • The CAG’s report has uncovered troubling irregularities concerning the registration and verification processes of beneficiaries under the Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana.
  • Of particular concern is the revelation that a staggering 7.5 lakh beneficiaries were linked to a single cell phone number (9999 99999).
  • This anomaly raises questions about the integrity of the registration process and the accuracy of beneficiary information.


Concentration of Beneficiaries to a Single Mobile Number

  • The audit report, which was presented in the Lok Sabha, discloses the startling fact that 7,49,820 beneficiaries of the scheme were associated with a single mobile number.
  • This concentration of beneficiaries under a single contact number raises suspicions of potential irregularities and mismanagement in the enrollment process.


Database Errors

  • Among the notable errors identified in the Ayushman Bharat – PMJAY database are invalid names, incorrect dates of birth, duplicate health IDs, and unrealistic counts of family members.


  • These inaccuracies not only undermine the credibility of the program but also cast doubts on the effectiveness of the system in accurately targeting eligible beneficiaries.



  • The recent CAG report sheds light on the significant errors and discrepancies within the PMJAY database, highlighting issues related to ineligible beneficiaries, flawed verification processes, and concentration of beneficiaries under a single contact number.

These revelations call for urgent corrective measures to ensure the program’s integrity and effectiveness in providing essential healthcare benefits to eligible individuals.


Dumping: Understanding the Concept

  • Dumping refers to the practice of a country exporting goods to another nation at a price lower than what it charges within its domestic market.
  • This practice can have far-reaching implications for global trade relationships and is subject to scrutiny by the World Trade Organization (WTO).


Legal Framework of Dumping

  • According to the rules established by the WTO, dumping is deemed illegal only when the affected foreign country can substantiate the adverse impact caused by the exporting country’s actions on its domestic producers.
  • The WTO provides a framework for evaluating the negative effects and enforcing regulations to curb this practice.


Protecting Domestic Producers: Tariffs and Quotas

  • To shield their domestic producers from the effects of dumping, nations often resort to implementing tariffs and quotas on imported goods.
  • These measures are intended to level the playing field and prevent unfair competition that could harm local industries.


Unveiling Anti-Dumping Measures


Anti-Dumping Duty: A Protective Tariff

  • Anti-dumping duty is a protective tariff imposed by a country’s government on imports that are priced below the rates prevalent in its domestic market.
  • This tool serves as a safeguard against distortions in trade resulting from the dumping of goods.


Addressing Distortive Trade: Purpose of Anti-Dumping Duty

  • The imposition of anti-dumping duty acts as a corrective measure to counteract the trade imbalances caused by the dumping of goods at unusually low prices.
  • By enforcing this duty, a country aims to promote fair competition and protect its own industries from undue harm.


Compliance with International Trade Regulations

  • It is noteworthy that the World Trade Organization permits the utilization of anti-dumping duty as a means of ensuring equitable trade practices.
  • This acknowledgment underscores the importance of maintaining a balance between promoting fair competition and safeguarding domestic industries.


India’s Evolving Stance


Shift in Anti-Dumping Strategy

India has historically been known as a prominent user of anti-dumping duty and has faced criticism within the World Trade Organization for its approach.


Changing Course: Recent Trends

  • Over the past three years, the Indian government has exhibited a discernible shift in its approach. Despite findings by the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) confirming instances of goods being dumped into the Indian market, the imposition of anti-dumping duty has become more selective.



In conclusion, the concept of dumping and the application of anti-dumping measures play a crucial role in shaping international trade dynamics.

While the WTO provides a framework for evaluating and regulating dumping, individual nations like India have the prerogative to decide how and when to implement anti-dumping duties.

India’s recent shift in its approach highlights the delicate balance between protecting domestic industries and fostering a competitive global marketplace.



As of the year 2021-22, approximately Rs 2,761.10 crore worth of crop insurance claims under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) have remained unresolved.

The states with the highest backlog of claims include Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Gujarat.


Timely Payment of Admissible Claims


  • Claims that fall under the criteria of the PMFBY are typically settled by relevant insurance companies within two months after the culmination of the harvesting period.
  • In situations involving risks such as prevented sowing, mid-season adversity, and post-harvest losses, payments are made within one month following the notification of these events.


Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana: An Overview


  • The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, launched on February 18, 2016, by the Prime Minister, is designed to offer comprehensive insurance coverage against crop failures, thereby contributing to the stabilization of farmers’ income.


  • The scheme extends coverage to various Food & Oilseeds crops as well as Annual Commercial/Horticultural Crops.


  • Eligibility is determined by the availability of past yield data and the successful conduct of the requisite number of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) within the framework of the General Crop Estimation Survey (GCES).


Inclusion Criteria and Implementing Entities

  • Farmers, including sharecroppers and tenant farmers, who cultivate specified crops in designated areas, are eligible for coverage under the scheme.


  • The implementation of the PMFBY involves empanelled general insurance companies, and the selection of the Implementing Agency (IA) is conducted through a bidding process overseen by the relevant State Government.


Administrative Oversight

 The administration of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana falls under the purview of the Ministry of Agriculture, responsible for overseeing its effective implementation and adherence to the stipulated guidelines.



  • In a remarkable archaeological find, the fossilized remains of an ancient dicraeosaurid dinosaur named ‘Tharosaurus Indicus’ have recently been unearthed near the city of Jaisalmer.


  • This discovery sheds light on a previously unknown chapter of prehistoric life, enriching our understanding of both regional and global dinosaur evolution.


Tharosaurus Indicus: A Glimpse into the Past

  • Tharosaurus indicus, a captivating denomination, has been assigned to a remarkable species of dinosaur discovered within the bounds of the Thar Desert region in Jaisalmer, India.


  • This species belongs to the dicraeosaurid family – a subgroup of long-necked, herbivorous dinosaurs that thrived during the Jurassic era.


  • An analysis of the fossils’ age places them at an astonishing 167 million years old, solidifying their status as one of the oldest recorded dicraeosaurids and diplodocoids globally.


Significance of the Revelation

  • The distinguishing feature of dicraeosaurids lies in their comparably shorter necks, setting them apart from their sauropod counterparts.


  • This newfound species opens a window into the rich tapestry of prehistoric existence that once flourished in this region.


  • By bearing the name “Tharosaurus indicus,” this discovery pays homage to its geographic origins – “Thar” representing the Thar Desert and “indicus” denoting its Indian roots.


  • Beyond the local scope, this find showcases India’s profound contributions to the realm of paleontology, while simultaneously adding a crucial piece to the mosaic of global dinosaur evolution.


The emergence of Tharosaurus Indicus from the sands of time serves as a testament to the intricate and diverse web of life that once inhabited our planet. This discovery embodies the intersection of history, science, and culture, underscoring the ongoing importance of unearthing and preserving our natural heritage.


Background: Philippines-China Tensions Over Reef and Vessel

 China has once again urged the Philippines to address the presence of an aging ship on a reef, which the Philippines uses to assert its claim in the Spratly Islands. This action directly challenges China’s assertion of dominance over the majority of the South China Sea. Recent tensions escalated when the Philippines accused the China Coast Guard of using water cannons against boats attempting to resupply its stationed garrison on the grounded vessel over the weekend.


The Spratly Islands: A Disputed Archipelago


The Spratly Islands constitute a group of disputed islands located in the South China Sea. The archipelago is situated near the coastlines of the Philippines, Malaysia, and southern Vietnam. Several nations stake claims over this region, intensifying the conflict:


  1. China’s Comprehensive Claim: China asserts its sovereignty over the entirety of the Spratly Islands, a stance that has drawn international criticism and disputes.


  1. Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines: Other nations, including Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines, lay claims to various portions of the archipelago, further complicating the situation.


  1. Geographical Features: The northeastern part of the Spratly Islands is designated as Dangerous Ground. This area is characterized by numerous low islands, sunken reefs, and degraded atolls with coral formations.


Diverse Economic Activities and Geopolitical Stakes


The region’s strategic location and natural resources have prompted various economic activities and geopolitical interests:


  1. Commercial and Fishing Activities: The Spratly Islands have witnessed commercial fishing operations, contributing to local economies.


  1. Shipping Routes: The archipelago’s location along important shipping routes has made it significant for maritime trade.


  1. Resource Exploitation: Activities such as guano mining, oil and gas exploration, and more recently, tourism, underscore the economic potential of the region.



China’s renewed insistence on the removal of the aging ship in the Spratly Islands and the recent tensions highlight the complexity of the territorial disputes and economic interests that converge in this strategically significant area of the South China Sea.

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