13th November 2023 P2P

Q 1. Discuss the chanoftinoft landscape of the aviation industry, emphasizinoft the need for airlines and airports to explore additional revenue streams beyond their core operations? (150 words) https://indianexpress.com/article/business/airports-to-metro-how-non-core-businesses-    brinoft-firms-more-money-9024222/…

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8th November 2023 P2P

GENERAL STUDIES 3 Q 1. "Analyze the role of digital governance in enhancing public service delivery in India."( 150 WORDS) https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/respecting-privacy-of-citizens-a-key- element-in-effective-e-governance-in-future-says-tn-minister/article67494302.ece   GENERAL STUDIES 3, GENERAL STUDIES 2 Q…

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4th November 2023 P2P

GENERAL STUDIES 1 Q 1. Evaluate the role of reservation policies in ensuring diversity and social justice, while also addressing concerns regarding meritocracy and emciency? (150 WORDS) https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/sc-calls-womens-reservation-law-a-very-good- step-but-reluctant-to-step-in-for-its-implementation-before-ls-polls/article67494381.ece  …

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2nd Nov 2023 P2P

GENERAL STUDIES 3 Q 1. Critically evaluate Israel's national security strategy and its responses to regional threats, including terrorism and nuclear proliferation. (150 WORDS) https://indianexpress.com/article/india/arab-countries-are-united-on-this-no-more- transfer-displacement-by-israel-ambassador-of-jordan-to-india-9009869/   GENERAL STUDIES 3…

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